SUNDAY'S ECHOES for Youth (Formation Course)

We aspire to assist you in delving deeper into the mysteries of our faith, fostering a personal relationship with Jesus—our greatest friend—and nurturing spiritual friendships and brotherhood among all of you. These gatherings aim to aid you in your search for meaning and identity, seamlessly integrating your faith with your life. Moreover, they provide an understanding of the faith that directly addresses the challenges and questions posed by secular culture. Our hope is that you will emerge from these sessions as brave and courageous witnesses of the Catholic Faith, serving as apostles among your companions.

“SUNDAY’S ECHOES” on WEDNESDAYS for YOUTH in St. Rita’s Centre

Afternoon session: 5:45pm-7:00pm

  • GOING DEEP IN THE SCRIPTURE proclaimed on Sunday.
  • GOING DEEP IN OUR CATHOLIC FAITH – Sycamore Shorts– Explanation – Q&A