15th DECEMBER Eighth meeting (Family Carols)

Holy Family Church

Family Catechism Schedule

15th DECEMBER 2019 Eighth Meeting (Holy Family Church) 4pm – 7pm

Christmas Family Carols in the Church.

Meeting all together in the Hall:

  • The angels announce the Good News to the Shepherds.
    • Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on earth to people of good will. (I belong 50-52)
    • Jesus, true man, glorifies perfectly God his Father, showing to us the great Love and Mercy of God his Father.
    • Jesus, true God, Son of God, brings to us the true Peace of being reconciled with God, and living in communion with Him and with the Father in the Holy Spirit.
    • We glorify and praise the Lord our Saviour because He has forgiven our sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation bringing Peace to our souls and glory to God.
  • We glorify God praying to Him as Jesus taught us, calling Him Our Father.
    • Our Father
  • Mary glorified God accepting and welcoming to become mother of the Son of God, Jesus. 
    • Hail Mary and Angelus.
  • She glorified his Son, keeping and meditating in her heart all the deeds and words of Jesus and putting them always into practice in her life. We praise and glorify Jesus with Mary when meditate the mysteries of his life.
    • Rosary


  • Continue to read about the mysteries of Jesus' birth and family life and of his public life, what He did and taught. Use different stories of the Gospels, read them and make Lectio Divina about it.
  • Pray the Angelus sometimes.
  • Meditate in different days the joyful and the luminous mysteries of the Rosary. Each time one mystery.