1st DECEMBER 2019 First Confession Retreat

Holy Family Church

Sacrament of Reconciliation Retreat

1st DECEMBER 2019

(Holy Family - St. Rita´s Centre) 11:00am – 5:00pm


11:00am HOLY MASS at Holy Family Church with the Parish Community.

12:30pm LUNCH at St. Rita’s Centre. Each Family bring meals to share, the Parish offers drinks and deserts.

1:15pm RETREAT TIME (All together)

 Videos of Reconciliation

 The Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Examination of conscience
  • Confession
  • Act of Contrition
  • Absolution
  • Penance


Lectio Divina

Peter Lk 22:54-62

They seized him then and led him away, and they took him to the high priest’s house. Peter followed at a distance. They had lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and Peter sat down among them, and as he was sitting there by the blaze a servant-girl saw him, peered at him, and said,

This person was with him too.

But he denied it.

Woman, I do not know him.

Shortly afterwards someone else saw him and said,

You are another of them.

But Peter replied,

– I am not, my friend.

About an hour later another man insisted, saying,

This fellow was certainly with him. Why, he is a Galilean.

Peter said,

My friend, I do not know what you are talking about.

At that instant, while he was still speaking, the cock crew, and the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter, and Peter remembered what the Lord had said to him, ‘Before the cock crows today, you will have disowned me three times.’ And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Good Thief  Lk 23:39-43

One of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you not the Christ?’ he said. ‘Save yourself and us as well.’ But the other spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have you no fear of God at all?’ he said. ‘You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus,’ he said ‘remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ ‘Indeed, I promise you,’ he replied ‘today you will be with me in paradise.’


2:30pm Celebration of the SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION


 3:30pm Watching together a FILM about the PUBLIC LIFE OF JESUS